What Our Clients Say…


Nothing can replace a direct experience of George Cappannelli’s keynote talks, programs and consulting services, however, these experiences reported by his clients may assist you in getting to know him and his work a little better.



“… I know you are generally well supplied with praise and accolades for the work you do so I won’t belabor it further but, suffice to say that you are a master of your craft.” 
Cor Westerhoff
Deputy Government Programs
Space Systems Loral
“The value of your work to me is the understanding that human relationships, performance and dynamics are the most important ingredients of the organization. They consume the most time and resources and provide the greatest potential for success. Dealing with them effectively and positively provide maximum payback. You and your team did a professional, highly effective, successful job in leading us through this intervention. I will recommend you to others and use you again myself.”
Brewster Shaw
Director of Manned Space Flight
and former Shuttle Astronaut
Boeing North America
“I approached this intervention with apprehension.  Driven high achievers, aggressively pursuing individual goals in a fast-paced environment do not naturally create teamwork. But after our experience in your Team Development and Strategic Planning Program, I see people working just as hard as before, but now there is trust, mutual support, openness and sensitivity to each other. It is a different place.”
                                                                 Jean Scott
Director of Corporate Training Services
Taco Bell 
“We are experiencing a period of major growth that brings with it some tremendous opportunities and very substantial challenges. To help us prepare, I have authorized a strategic planning and team development process with George Cappannelli and his team.  Before we are through, we will all be touched by it. This process is already underway and has produced some very encouraging, specific, practical and promising improvements. This effort will help us meet our current and future workload by creating a new operating state that improves trust and teamwork and propels our HSC vision into full operation.” 
Don Cromer, President
Hughes Space and Communications
“I would like to express my appreciation for your work. The experience was one that we will never forget and I thank you for creating such a great program.”
Edmond Haronian
New York Life Insurance Company
“The team is always reflecting back to our days we spent with you. It has helped us through many rough times. We are not really a team until we come out and spend time with you.” 
Jerry Tomlinson
Head Gymnastics Coach


You have made an enormously valuable contribution to Lifespring graduates around the country. Your commitment and dedication to furnishing a high quality experience for people in our Leadership program is to be acknowledged.” 

John Hanley
Founder, Lifespring
“Your work helped us to bind together a diverse group of high achiever professionals, from nine different corporate organizations, into a cohesive team. Your inspiration, coaching of methods, your innovative  ‘out of the box’ thinking and the way you assisted us to create mutual trust and  ‘badgeless’ teamwork not only will allow us to achieve our goals, but they inspired the  team. This is exactly what was needed.” 
John McElrath
Deputy Business Unit Leader
Government Programs
“I have looked into other methods of stress management, but have not discovered anything else so simple, powerful and rapidly effective. It is very exciting to observe changes occurring quite quickly. The most appealing features of the method for me are that there  is no belief system imposed, and that people can use it completely on their own with great  success.” 
Dr. Louis Ormont
Professor of Psychology
Adelphi University
“There was a remarkable turnaround coming out of your work with us. By the end of the process, we’ve learned a lot of things that we can apply–but because you showed us how to use them real-time and that we can learn from our failures as well as our successes, we have come a long way.” 
Ron Symmes
Vice President, Operations
Hughes Space and Communications
My vision was to do something with multi-language groups of executives that was not language dependent. My hypothesis was that this work could be a universal experience and in fact, this intervention succeeded. Middle-aged female executives from Singapore and adventure-oriented male executives from Australia, more conservative executives from Europe, and their action-oriented American counterparts found great benefit. I cannot stress strongly enough the importance of including this kind of learning experience in every company’s overall portfolio of management  education.” 
Donna Conlin, IMEP Manager 
Digital Equipment Corporation 



©2010 George Cappannelli      505.982.5753       george@georgecappannelli.com